One in every three females and one in every twenty males experience sexual assault when they turn teenagers. The idea of sexual abuse is terrifying for parents. You must empower your child by providing the correct information on the bad and good touches. Most parents can make a pediatrician appointment to help their children learn about body safety and their boundaries. It will help the children not fall prey to sexual abusers.
Here are a few self-awareness tips provided by the pediatrician accepting new patients.
Using Proper Language
It would help to teach your kids the proper name of the body parts, including their genitals. Parents must teach their kids about privacy and the word “private parts” to help them know about good and bad touch. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that a child must know which places should not be touched or looked at.
No Forced Affection
Your child’s body is theirs to control, so you must not force any affection. If your kid does not want to kiss or give a goodbye hug to the grandparents, make it normal too. You can teach your kid to show affection through high-fives or thumbs-ups. It will help them socialize well. It will provide added comfort to your kid too.
Teach Your Children about Social Boundaries and Respect
Modesty and privacy are a few concepts that toddlers or young children do not realize. Parents must teach these traits at home. It would be best to teach your kid about the social boundaries they will share with their parents, siblings, or friends. For example, ask your toddler or young child to respect the privacy of their elder siblings. It will let them learn the concepts of privacy and social boundaries.
Make Developmental Conversations
Pediatricians advise parents to have constructive and reliable conversations with their children. You have to tell your kids what’s good or bad for them. Parents must initiate a truthful discussion if they are curious about their private parts. The idea is to train the kids and not scare them off. Do not give adult explanations. It will be an excellent concept to bring your child to a pediatrician. They will help them understand their body and instill confidence in your kids.
Start training your kids early if you look forward to teaching them about safe boundaries or body safety. You can visit a nearby pediatrician accepting new patients at Court Street Medical Center. Call the experts to schedule your appointment!
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